Sunday, August 19, 2012

New girls arrive

Meet one of our four new girls that we collected from the friendly free-range egg-selling lady at the Kyogle Farmer's Market yesterday morning. She is always very friendly, always has a smile, always up for a quick chat as we pass by her stall on the way to the fruit and vege farmers just up the path. She happened to mention to us a few weeks ago that she supplied point-of-lay chooks and so we quickly confirmed that we'd like four of her best and brightest. We had to get down before 7.30, though, so we could collect them before the markets started seriously trading.
I was expecting some kafuffle from the other girls (and roosters - of which we now have three), when I introduced this little mob of Issa Browns, but the others seemed to have accepted them quite well, provided they realise their lowly place at the bottom of the pecking order. Anyway, they are very lovely and quiet and good natured and we expect that they will increase our egg output considerably over the coming months.