Sunday, September 2, 2012

Farewell Terriyaki

Our little Japanese bantam rooster, Terriyaki, died last week. I didn't think I'd miss the little fella as much as I have. He was always a cocky (sorry) little rooster, if slightly neurotic, but he always looked after his girls, which, as you can see, were rather bigger than he was. In the early days he'd optimistically attempt to mount them, but he seemed to have given up on this activity of late. Remember, his girlfriend, the equally neurotic Sushi, became lunch for one of our resident carpet pythons, last year. Anyway, sometime last week, he appeared listless when I was feeding and watering the chookery before work, and I did make a mental note that maybe something wasn't right, and by the time I arrived home from work he'd fallen off the perch well and truly. He was quite funny to watch when he'd keep an eye on his girls if I let them out to forage around the yard. He'd be like a cattle dog, rounding them up, herding them this way and that, sheparding them to where he thought was safest to go. For such a little fella, he had a big, dare I say it, personality.

1 comment:

Louise said...

What a beauty he was.