This is the lovely Carinya, at Leura, in the Blue Mountains. Steve and I will be flying to Sydney tomorrow morning, met at the aiport by our friend Bubbles (Le Gay, a famous Newcastle drag artiste) and driven up to the Mountains, where we will be joined by Jackie (Ross 1) and Cassie (Casey), Cher-Leigh (Ross 2), and Mr and Mrs White-Trash (Bill and Andrew). We've been doing this each Queen's Birthday long weekend for about a decade. On Saturday night we head out to a dance at Blackheath Community Hall and then Sunday is the Big Gay Ball at what used to be the Fairmont Resort. Picture lots of BIG HAIR. Both events are put on by local gay group, The Three Sisters, and they do a great job. Lots of people come from all over - Sydney of course, the central slopes and plains, even the Northern Rivers.
Alas, this year, we will not be joined by Geoff (Genelle) who is busy transforming his new Mayfield apartment into an art decco wonderland, and we shall also not be going as a group in theme to the Ball, where we have won numerous categories (well a couple, Caroline Liddell and Bubbles and Miss Tanya Hyde have won most of them) of costume in the past.
It's also my brother, Brett's birthday on Friday too, and he will be celebrating this event by seeing Wicked in Melbourne for the 465th time (well about 23rd time, anyway). happy birthday, Brenda!
Normal blogging will resume on Monday, but only briefly, cos Steve, Glen and I, together with a friend and colleague from Uni of Wollongong, Gordon, are flying out to Bali, on Wednesday for part holiday, part work (well for Gordon and I, anyway).
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