Saturday, July 25, 2009

Waskally wild wallabies

Steve and I woke up in the middle of last night to what sounded like a young bull elephant being pursued by a banshee right along our verandah. Quickly ruling out both elephants and banshees we settled for an explanation involving the dog from down the road which periodically visits us. But that was incorrect as well. Turns out that there was a fairly major altercation amongst a number of the red necked wallabies that share Maryville with us. Lots of thunping, hopping on the verandah, nashing of teeth, deep nasty dry cough-like grunting and chasing.
I expected to see mangled corpses lying all over the place this morning but all seems to have ended peacefully.
Steve's busy (on his last day of hols) hanging a glass door in our entry while I've been out planting a few trees and getting my desk back under some sort of control.

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