Sunday, July 4, 2010

The girls and their boy

I let the girls out on Saturday and Sunday because they just look so good scratching around on the lawn and in the gardens. OK they eat all my leafy vegetables but at least their eggs are likely to be even tastier. Doesn't Terriyaki look very proud these days, as he chaperones one of the new girls around.
Not only do they get into the vege garden and eat the leaves off my brocoli and cabbage plants as well as trashing my tatsoi, the girls come close to their chooky Nirvana when they scratch around in the mulch around the trees that we've planted, searching for worms and other grubs. This keeps them happy for a good ten minutes before they lose interest and move on to the next pile of mulch.


Dr. Mieke said...

Lovely chooks and a gorgeous bantam rooster! So good to see some genetic diversity is still around. Ever thought of letting one of your hens go broody and raising a clutch of chickies?

Mutterings from Maryville said...

he has a little bantam girlfriend who has recommenced laying so I'm just letting all her eggs pile up in the nest box in the hope that she will start sitting on them. No interest yet, however.