Saturday, July 24, 2010

pine pollen (not wanted)

As I mentioned a few blogs ago, we have a few pine trees, radiata or slash, I'm not sure, which have been planted as wind breaks or screens by someone thirty or so years ago. Not something I'd choose to have but they are generally manageable and it's my hope/intention to plant rows of silky oaks behind them so eventually the pines can be removed. Anyway...when Piglet was up visiting last week we noticed what we though was a cloud of dust drifting out from one of the rows of pine trees but in fact on further investigation it turns out to be pine tree spoof - pollen...and lots of it. The curious thing is that it seems to be released in puffs at only certain times of the day, or maybe it needs a bit of a breeze to release it's getting over can see where we have been walking on the back verandah
and this came from Steve's wiping down of the furniture in the lounge room yesterday (OK I also wiped it over some of the decking for exaggerated effect)...lucky neither of us has pollen allergies.

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