Tuesday, February 15, 2011


After procrastinating for over a year we decided to bite the sustainability bullet last November and signed up for a 3kilowatt system and the deal included a 5 kilowatt inverter which means we can easily upgrade to 5kilowatts when we decide to do that (just need to add another 12 panels). Luckily for us we literally just scraped in under the NSW Gvt's solar scheme which they scrapped literally the day after we had got our paperwork through. Phew!
The installers arrived today and did what they do: install the panels but apparently they hadn't been given all the doodads they needed so are back on Friday to finish the job off. Then we wait for the electrician to come and connect us to the grid and hey presto, we are making money from sunshine...woo hoo!

1 comment:

Louise said...

I really want to do this, I inquired just as they scraped the scheme I think. Great to see.