Monday, August 29, 2011

Only a matter of time

Sometime last year I noticed a couple of Indian mynahs along the Rock Valley Road, about 15km back towards Lismore from our place. I wondered when they would find their way up to our place. So far we are yet to see any, but on Sunday there were four of the wretches near Cawongla, which, is only a few kms from our place towards Kyogle. This doesn't look good, and so it will only be a matter of time before we see them at our place. I will try and trap any that I see to try and head off an invasion of the brutes.


Dr. Mieke said...

Isn't that a pic of a native Noisy Miner, rather than an Indian Myna? I find it hard to tell them apart...

Mutterings from Maryville said...

nope, that's an Indian Mynah, dear. The native miners are a grey colour and don't have the brown/cinnamon coloration and their yellow isn't so bright.