Thursday, September 22, 2011

Vege Meal #5

Tonight was an onion and blue cheese flan, with crusty, seeded bread and salad. Very nice


Louise said...

I thought of you tonight as I made a vegetarian dinner at home- vegetable frittata, which I had with some coriander and lime hummus, and avocado.

I'm impressed with your vegetarian meals this week. What are the plans after the week is finished?

Mutterings from Maryville said...

Frittata is on the menu tonight actually....yours sounds rather delish with coriander and lime hummus!
Um I hope that we will begin to incorporate more vego meals and reduce our meat intake...for both health and humanitarian reasons...but slowly, slowly...I can't imagine giving up meat altogether, i just want to be less dependent on it and try and only eat meat that has been raised and killed as ethically as it can be...which can be a challenge in the country!

Louise said...

The coriander and lime hummus is really delicious. Dead easy to make- and an original Treloar invention!