Friday, November 18, 2011

A trio of whip snakes

Last Sunday was a very good snake day, yellow faced whip snakes, to be precise. The first sighting, by Cal, was down near the big lilly pilly by Julia's Little Creek. Cal was convinced it was not a green tree snake, and so I was thinking it could have been a brown snake (which it still might have been, because I didn't see it myself). The second sighting, again by Cal, was under the hibiscus bush at the corner of the house. The third snake, which this time I saw as well as Cal, was this little beauty, a beautiful yellow faced whip snake. Cal is pretty sure it was a whip snake he saw under the hibiscus bush and probably down by the creek as well.
These are the first whips near the house....I had seen one dead on the road down near the creek some time ago and another in amongst the rocks along the edge of the road over the culvert through which Julia's Little Creek flows. Lovely.
By the way, you can always click on the photo to enlarge it, which you really need to do to appreciate the beauty of this animal.

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