Saturday, February 4, 2012

A very nice carpet

This sloughed skin is from one of our semi-resident carpet pythons, which we found recently in our shed (the skin, not the python). I'm 178cm tall so it's probably another 20cm or so longer than I am tall. Can't wait to see the real McCoy sometime. One for you, Louise.

Steve went up to Loganlee near Brisvegas today to buy some more lamps (I shall photograph his various lamp purchases and post them shortly and yes he is going through a lamp-fetish stage at the moment, but they look great, of course, Steve selected them, goes without saying) while I spent what was a beautiful summer's day at work. (Please, put those violins away). It was all good. I had a very productive morning working on some interview transcripts and then, once the gym opened at 2.00pm, I high tailed it down there to do a workout with my trainer, Dale. She put me through my paces and she enjoyed watching, and I endured doing, a few super sets until fatigued. I then crawled back to my office and drank my 35 grams of protein powder (vanilla flavoured, actually quite refreshing and tasty). Yes, I've gone back to the gym with a vengeance. As some of you know, I am sliding quickly towards my 50th (yes there will be a party) so I need to renovate my body. Dale says she saw some striations today. I think that is a good thing...

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