Sunday, May 27, 2012

Nimbin Bowlo...

There's just something that doesn't sit right for me with this sign...Nimbin, the epicentre of alternative lifestyles and the home of the Aquarius Festival in 1973, and now popular for other reasons, has a bowlo...and it's called Nimbin Bowlo....and it happens to be on the corner of the main street with 'Alternative Way'. Agh it's such fun living in the Northern Rivers!
After our bushwalk, (see post below), Victor and I spent half an hour or so in Nimbin, so that Victor could take in the sights, sounds, smells and whatever else happened to be available at this colourful village. (He just asked me if he could use my computer later tonight - probably while Steve and I are in Eurovision mode - Victor's taste in music are a little more trancy and electronic, so he could upload his photo of Nimbin on to his facebook, god love him). We had an interesting moment in Nimbin Museum and he seemed to make a brief friend of a very off-her-face woman just down near the pub. I bought a card at the art gallery and lusted after a beautiful painting.

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