Monday, May 14, 2012

Once there was a bower....

So, after I got so excited about our bower bird bower in the Big Bush Garden, I discovered to my disappointment on Saturday that the bower is no more. It could have been destroyed by a rival male or maybe our bower bird decided he'd pull up stumps and move somewhere else. Interestingly, when I checked the bower last week I was surprised to see that only one blue object remained, so perhaps this shift of blue things (or had they been stolen by a rival bird) was the precursor to the total dismantling of the bower. But who knows. All part of nature's great mysteries, perhaps?  Hopefully he will establish another bower in the Garden, it was kinda cool. I liked it. A lot.

1 comment:

Louise said...

I liked it a lot too. Very exciting to see an actual one. I hope he just moved on to the next bower.