Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wildlife Moment: 14 May

Coincidence is a funny thing. On the way home on Monday night I was chatting to Steve (yes we still chat during our daily car journeys to and from work - OK, well for part of the journeys anyway) about how the brush tail possums that I'd seen up here were all very dark furred, unlike the grey furred brushies we are used to seeing down south. I went on to say that I'd seen one just the past week on the Rock Valley Road coming home late one night and had to swerve to avoid running it over. (As you can imagine, Steve was rivetted to my every word as I waxed lyrical about brush tailed possums). Anyway, as we drove up our driveway 15 minutes or so later, Steve shrieked that he saw some large black animal moving away from the driveway in amongst our little orchard. (OK so he didn't actually shriek...) So I turned the car around and drove the 10 metres or so back and there was our very first brush tailed possum at our place, caught in the headlights. Very black furred, pink nosed and gorgeous. Luckily we don't have a roof cavity or maye we wouldn't be thinking it's so gorgeous.  Anyway, another mammalian addition to our fauna list. Not sure though whether it is the common brush tail or whether its the northern brush tail or Bobuk. Will have to find a possum expert.

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