Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mixed NT pics#2

 I visited a number of rock art sites - the first was at Ubirr, which is close to the East Alligator River. This is a beautiful long necked turtle.
 While this is a thylacine. Thylacines, or Tasmanian Tigers, had a distribution across the mainland (as did Tasmanian devils) but both species became extinct on the mainland about 4000 years ago. The dingo, which arrived in Australia about then, is usually credited with their extinction, but I have to wonder if maybe disease also played a part. Anyway, I was very moved to see this rendering of this amazing animal,which now only exists as representations.
 One of the striking aspects of travelling in the NT is the extraordinary intensity of the colours of the landscapes. The colours are just so vivid and vibrant.  The sky is that deep cobalt blue, grasses and shrubs are often bright green.
 And although there weren't a lot of things in flower, there were a few, such as this kurrajong.
 The white of this ghost gum contrasts against the blues, greens and reds of the landscape.
Another amazing rock art site is at Nourlangie Rock, which is to the south of Jabiru.

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