Sunday, March 11, 2012

A surprise visit

I was very surprised when I walked past the screen door that opens on to the middle deck on Saturday morning to see two hatchling eastern water dragons clinging to the gauze. The only water dragons I've seen on our place have been beside one of the creeks. I'm just surprised that a female would have chosen to lay her eggs so far away from the creek because I can't imagine that two babies like these would have made their way, Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee-like, all the way up from the creek to our deck. They disappeared as quickly as they appeared, although I did see one scuttle quickly from the edge of the pond on Sunday morning. Note to self: remember I found the first toad in what I thought was a toad-free pond, a few weeks ago. Toad was quickly removed.

1 comment:

Louise said...

Good thing you know what they are. I thought they were geckos.